"...There is a tendency for the focus on mobility cultures in Art exhibitions as well as in social and cultural theory to be too celebratory of this supposedly new condition of our lives, with curators and authors seemingly forgetting that fact that not everybody has the freedom to travel, whilst other people are forced to flee their homes and homelands due to appaling living conditions caused by war and/or poverty. "Mobility" is not another word for freedom; it does not carry any value in itself... Rikke Hansen
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desde mi lugar utópico  Lima China - el templo del cielo Libano España - Oscar Palomares Nagoya Yoko Shimada Tibet - Barcelona  
Wisconsin - straight story david lynch n viaje al circo con Cantinflas godard utopie Un viaje por los espacios del vino el viaje de Spartacus fondo ocean wave Bagdad  
Tunisia Chaguaramo Beuys talking with tramps. PATAGONIA Maï  T Nepal NIGER AFRICA . . . A VALPARAISO In March 2005 Strachan traveled to the Alaskan Arctic in search of a frozen river.  
Bangladesh Viaje en coche LOS VIAJES DE LA NUBE 21 botontime 500 00 any fa LA SCOPERTA DELL’AMERICA Hi ha molta gent al món....  
St Petersburg.Copenhagur. Hamburg. Rudolstadt Odessa china Venice -  Jordania - Berlin -  Vesuvio  spain Wien - Egon Shiele Stan Douglas


"...There is a tendency for the focus on mobility cultures in Art  exhibitions as well as in social and cultural theory  to be too celebratory  of this supposedly new  condition of our lives, with  curators and authors seemingly forgetting that fact that not everybody has the freedom to travel, whilst other people are forced to flee their homes and homelands due to appaling living conditions caused by war and/ or poverty. "Mobility" is not another word for freedom; it does not carry any value in itself... Rikke Hansen
Continent, city, country, society: the choice is never wide and never free.
And here or there... NO.
Should we have stayed at home, wherever that might be? Elke Krystufek