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Rahju and Maï T in Kathmandu 2005

Intercultural awareness and personal friendships fostered through tourism are a powerful force for improving international understanding and contributing to peace among all the nations of the world.

fotoaction Maï T & UFO       
     ...The soul who meditates on the Self, 
     is content to serve the Self,
     and rests satisfied within the Self;
     there remains nothing more for him to accomplish.
     He has nothing to gain
     by the performance or nonperformance of action.
     His welfare depends not on any contribution
     that an earthly creature can make..
from The Bhagavad-Gita, Chapter III.

friends of Anne Bean in Barcelona 2006.
from right to left Maria Cosmes,Valentin Torrens, Alastair Mac Lennan, UFO (sitting), Deniz Aygün and Maï T Segura.
Carlos Pina behind the camera.

www.eBent 06

some other friends

BORIS NIESLONY at  Kabaret Obert Barcelona 1-12 2006 foto Maï T
Boris Nieslony, Kabaret Obert Barcelona 2006

international airport

       Je suis arrivé en Europe et aux USA en suivant la piste      des richesses de mon pays .
     El ROTO pour EL Pais, Espagne.

     I arrived in Europa and USA following the trace      where riches of my country went. El ROTO in El Pais,      Spain.

     Ich bin in Europa (und USA) angelangt, indem  ich den      Reichtümern meine Heimatlandes  nachgegangen bin.       El  ROTO in El Pais,      Spanien.

Turistas sin Papeles - Tourists Without passport

Barcelona Arrival


turismo-action art-delayed-retraso


In our opinion a project in a public space needs a total investment
from the artist, otherwise the energy disappears.
Ideally there should be the possibility that this work serves as bridge
for a dialogue with the general public.
In the same time the form shall be open to the unforeseen.
Maï T & UFO